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Directions to TKC Training Center       

405 West Belle Road, Ridgely, MD  21660



Ocean Gateway  turn RIGHT onto 309 (Cordova Road).  Continue several miles.

Detour LEFT at John Deere dealership.

At light, make RIGHT onto 404 (Queen Anne Hwy) Royal Farms will be on corner.

At light, make LEFT onto 480 (Ridgely Road.) Shore United Bank will be on corner.

At Mountainaire Farms, turn LEFT onto Sunset Blvd

Go slow; road bears sharply to right - you will turn LEFT quickly before seeing oncoming traffic.

Turn LEFT onto Cow Barn Road

Immediate LEFT turn onto Bell Road.  Turn RIGHT into parking lot. TKC is Unit #6.



Ocean Gateway turn LEFT onto 404 (Queen Anne Hwy).  Continue several miles.

At light, make LEFT onto 480 (Ridgely Road) Shore United Bank will be on corner.

At Mountainaire Farms, turn LEFT onto Sunset Blvd

Go slow; road bears sharply to right - you will turn LEFT quickly before seeing oncoming traffic.

Turn LEFT onto Cow Barn Road.

Immediate LEFT turn onto Bell Road.  Turn RIGHT into parking lot.  TKC is Unit #6.



Take 480 towards Ridgely, MD.

Turn at 312N (Central Ave) between Citgo Gas & Hutchison Supply across from Medifast Center.

Go thru town.  Turn LEFT in front of Provident Bank onto W. Belle Rd (sign says Bell).

After two stop signs, turn RIGHT into parking lot of long metal building.  TKC is Unit #6.

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